
At It’s Education, safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do.
We are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for all our learners. We have robust processes in place, as well as trained individuals within our team to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our learners. Our comprehensive safeguarding and PREVENT policies and dedicated team ensure that every individual feels protected and valued. Your well-being is our top priority so, we have expanded our team to include safeguarding personnel, PREVENT Lead, a Wellbeing lead and a SEND Coordinator. Take a look below at the support available and our policies.

Safeguarding / PREVENT | It's Education | Inclusive Training Solutions

Our Policy

Our Process Flow




What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding refers to the measures and practices implemented to protect the health, well-being, and human rights of individuals, especially vulnerable groups like children, young people, and adults at risk. It aims to prevent harm, abuse, and neglect, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, can live free from abuse and neglect.

Safeguarding encompasses a wide range of activities, including promoting safe environments, recognising and responding to potential risks, and providing support to those who have experienced harm.

What is PREVENT?

PREVENT is a key part of the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy, known as CONTEST. Its primary aim is to prevent individuals from becoming involved in terrorism or supporting terrorist activities. PREVENT focuses on several key areas:

PREVENT operates on the principle that preventing terrorism starts with addressing the root causes of radicalisation and providing appropriate interventions to steer individuals away from extremist paths.

  • Challenging Extremist Ideologies
    Working to counteract the ideas that underpin extremist and terrorist ideologies.

  • Supporting Vulnerable Individuals
    Identifying and providing support to people who are at risk of being drawn into terrorism through interventions, such as the Channel programme.

  • Working with Sectors and Institutions
    Collaborating with education, health, faith, and community organisations to address the risks of radicalisation and to build resilience against extremist narratives.

Mental Health Support

Being aware of mental health is crucial for recognising early signs of issues and enabling timely intervention. It helps reduce stigma, fostering a more supportive environment for those struggling. Awareness promotes overall well-being through healthy coping strategies and stress management. It equips individuals to better support friends, family, and colleagues in need. With this in mine, it’s Education signpost individuals to relevant organisation, charities and health professionals, as well as ensuring naturally through the learning journey that we have regular check-in points with our learners and include added value learning around health and wellbeing.

PREVENT: Channel

Channel, is a multi-agency approach to safeguarding vulnerable individuals who are at risk of being drawn into terrorism. It operates in England and Wales (referred to as Channel). The programme involves identifying at-risk individuals, assessing the nature and extent of their risk, and developing appropriate support plans. Anyone who is referred to Prevent is assessed by the local authority and other partners, including the police, to see if they’re suitable for Channel, Prevent’s specialist support scheme. Channel is a voluntary, confidential, early intervention programme that supports people who may be at risk of being drawn into terrorism.

Safeguarding Support

In need of support or guidance?
See below our dedicated team members who are here to help

Safeguarding Support

Liam Fassam | It's Education | Inclusive Training Solutions
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Liam Fassam

Beth Tomlin | It's Education | Inclusive Training Solutions
Deputy Safeguarding and PREVENT Lead

Beth Tomlin

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Liam Fassam

Liam is the Managing Director at It’s Education, dedicated to championing the success of SEND/LDD learners. With vast experience in the education sector, as well as supply chain/logistics Liam has a profound commitment to creating inclusive learning environments where every individual can thrive. His leadership and passion for equitable education drive our mission to provide tailored apprenticeship programmes that empower and uplift all individuals. Liam’s expertise and unwavering dedication ensure that SEND/LDD learners are always at the forefront of everything we do.

Deputy Safeguarding and PREVENT Lead

Beth Tomlin

Beth brings a wealth of experience to her dual role as SEND Coordinator and Deputy Safeguarding Lead at It’s Education. With a background in special educational needs, Beth is dedicated to ensuring that our apprenticeship programmes are inclusive and supportive of SEND/LDD individuals. She plays a crucial role in coordinating support services and accommodations for learners, as well as implementing safeguarding policies to protect our learners. Beth’s commitment to promoting a safe and nurturing environment reflects her passion for enhancing the educational experience and well-being of all our learners.