ROTL General Info
A third of businesses suggest that they are unable to address skills gaps in their workforce, according to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). One way for business to solve this recruitment headache and deliver tangible positive outcomes which benefit society whilst exploring new talent pools can be to look at employing low risk prisoners who are within 2 years of release using the Release On Temporary Licence (ROTL) model.
At It’s Education we work with low level offenders who have been risk assessed and are committed to moving on to live more productive lives. Statistics show that sustainable employment and housing are two key factors in reducing re-offending. By providing employment while candidates are in prison they will have the opportunity to be better prepared for release and therefore build a more successful offence free future.

Key Statistics
The prison population has risen by 93% in the last 30 year.
It is predicted to rise by around 17,000 people by 2026.
54% of those in prison have children under the age of 18.
During 2023 37% of those sent to prison were sentenced to serve 6 months or less.
Also during 2023 58% of those jailed had committed a non-violent offence.

Did you know that the cost of keeping just one person in prison for 12 months is £48,000, providing ROTL employment can save that money through reduction in recidivism. The candidates we assess and select for you are all keen to work hard and will be dedicated, loyal and grateful to the employers who give them a chance. Their brighter future also impacts their children, partners, parents and families as well as the wider communities they live within.
Did you know that the cost of keeping just one person in prison for 12 months can be as high as £48,000 whereas the cost to support rehabilitation is significantly less. We provide support for employers and employees through the project, interview, assessment and recruitment phase and onwards to support your operational teams and employees for up to 12 months after they start with you.