Want to recruit an apprentice?

Employers, discover the benefits of recruiting apprentices with It’s Education. Our tailored programmes emphasise inclusive learning and provide skilled, motivated apprentices ready to contribute to your team. Partner with us to nurture talent, diversify your workforce, and invest in the future of your organisation.

This is a free service that we offer at It’s Education, in which we will work with you to build a job description, promote the new role on our social media channels, as well as the recruit an apprentice gov.uk website, manage application, shortlist and even sit on the interview panel to support decision making.
Have a look below about our process flow and information.

Recruit an Apprentice | It's Education | Inclusive Training Solutions

The Recruitment Process

Have a look at the free service we offer at It’s Education, that support employers to recruit apprentices within their organisation. If you would like any additional information or get this process started for you, please reach out to a member of our team!

Levy Paying Organisations

What is the apprenticeship levy?

A levy payer refers to an employer with an annual payroll above a specified threshold set by the government, which is currently £3 million per year. As part of the apprenticeship levy system, levy payers contribute funds to invest in apprenticeship training for their own workforce and, in some cases, other apprenticeship opportunities such as transferring funds to other organisations. It’s important to check current regulations as thresholds and policies can change over time.
 This contribution aims to upskill employees and foster workforce development aligned with business needs.
The apprenticeship levy in the UK serves several key purposes:
  • Funding Apprenticeship Training
  • Addressing Skills Gaps
  • Promoting Employer Investment
  • Improving Quality and Standards
  • Increasing Access to Apprenticeships

Non-levy paying organisations in the UK do not contribute to the apprenticeship levy but still benefit from the points above.

Non-levy Paying Organisations

What does being a non-levy payer mean?

Being a non-levy payer refers to employers who do not meet the threshold for paying the apprenticeship levy in the UK, which is currently set at an annual payroll of £3 million or more. Non-levy paying employers still have access to government-supported apprenticeship training, but they typically contribute 5% towards the cost of apprenticeship training, with the government covering the remaining 95%. This allows smaller businesses to participate in apprenticeship programmes and develop their workforce without the same financial obligations as levy-paying employers.

Employers that do not have to pay the 5% contribution towards the cost of apprenticeship training include:

  • Charities that do not pay the apprenticeship levy.

  • Employers with fewer than 50 employees, where the apprentice is aged 16-18 years old.

  • Employers who hire apprentices who are care leavers, aged 16-24 years old.

  • Employers who hire a new apprentice and have less than 50 employees, regardless of the apprentice’s age.

Want to learn more?

Contact us today to discuss recruiting an apprentice for your organisation.