At It’s Education we work with low level offenders who have been risk assessed and are committed to moving on to live more productive lives. Statistics show that sustainable employment and housing are two key factors in reducing re-offending. By providing employment while candidates are in prison they will have the opportunity to be better prepared for release and therefore build a more successful offence free future.

ROTL | Its Education

Key Statistics


The prison population has risen by 93% in the last 30 year.
It is predicted to rise by around 17,000 people by 2026.


54% of those in prison have children under the age of 18.


During 2023 37% of those sent to prison were sentenced to serve 6 months or less.


Also during 2023 58% of those jailed had committed a non-violent offence.

Our Release on Temporary Licence (ROTL) programme is dedicated to providing participants with valuable real-world experience and fostering personal growth.

Here, you’ll find firsthand accounts from participants who have benefited from our programme, gaining new skills, rebuilding confidence, and preparing for a brighter future.

Want to learn more?

Contact us today to discuss recruiting an apprentice for your organisation.